How are you holding up during this uncertain time?

It’s been difficult to stay calm and grounded when things are rapidly changing and it all feels out of control.

I want you to know I’m thinking of you and I’m here for support, so I put together this 10 minute tapping session to help calm our bodies and mind so we can handle this uncertain time with grace.

I hope you find this helpful! Please reach out to me if you have any questions.

Sending much love and hoping you and your loved ones are well.

Tapping session with focus on stress, overwhelm and uncertainty in dealing with Coronavirus.

Other ways you can support yourself during this difficult time.

  • Meditation

  • Exercise

  • 8 hours of sleep a night

  • Eating nutritious whole foods

  • Resting when feeling tired

  • Stay connected by texting, calling and face timing our loved ones

  • Do things that bring you joy such as, watching a favorite comedy movie, going for a walk in nature, reading a book that lifts you up, etc.

Why use EFT Tapping?

EFT has been shown to lower cortisol levels, which is your stress hormone.  Being constantly stressed out can wreak havoc on your body. High levels of cortisol and stress has been linked to weight gain, restless sleep, unhealthy food cravings, feeling anxious and/or sad, lower immune system, and much more.  

The good news is that even just one hour of tapping about your stress can reduce your cortisol by 24% and even up to 50% in some cases.  Studies have also shown that tapping through the points even without words will reduce cortisol levels.


Have questions? Send me an email.


Want to schedule a session?

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